Ian is a highly respected tutor with many years experience of working peripatetically in schools, colleges and universities. He has taught guitar at many music workshops including both locally, in conjunction with the
Seachange Trust, and nationally, for the
Princes Trust.

Music education
funding cuts have undoutedly put a massive strain on school resources. Peripatetic lessons can, however, still provide exceptional value for money.
Ian Dyball (MA) usually works on a self-employed basis that can offer a significant saving over 'county council/local authority' alternatives. (And Ian has actually taught many of the current and past Norfolk County Council and Suffolk County Council tutors). His expertise, not only on the instrument itself, but specifically in connection with guitar as therapy, means that schools can combine Special Educational Needs development with music and enrichment provision. This is good for student well-being and helps with school obligation fulfilment.
Students who progress with musicianship are also more likely to improve with attainment in other areas of the curriculum. See research examples from
St. Andrew's University and
Northwestern University.

It is important to remember that by providing guitar lessons your school/organisation will benefit itself and its students/members in many subsidiary ways.